Daniel Academy Principal Provides Back-to-School Tips

Daniel Academy Principal Provides Back-to-School Tips

After summer months of zoning out in front of the TV, playing outside, staying up late and eating snacks throughout the day, Duval County students may not be ready to make the adjustment as they head back to school next week. As difficult as it sounds, parents

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Datz & Datz Attorney Discusses the Importance of Prenups

Datz & Datz Attorney Discusses the Importance of Prenups

With wedding season peaking over summer, many couples attend multiple ceremonies in a matter of months – often leaving them considering whether to walk down the aisle themselves. However, with all the joy of marriage comes the potential reality of divorce. No one wants to go into

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First Florida Credit Union Prepares Teenagers for Real World

First Florida Credit Union Prepares Teenagers for Real World

More than 20 local credit unions, including our client First Florida Credit Union, are hosting the Mad City Money Simulation™ on March 28 through the Northeast Florida Chapter of LSCU (League of Southeastern Credit Union). The free, annual event will transform the Jacksonville Public Library into a

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Sweet Sweeps—Delivering Love to Local News Stations

Sweet Sweeps—Delivering Love to Local News Stations

As an agency tradition, we take time to thank our broadcast television friends for their dedication to keeping the community informed during the four major sweeps periods. With February sweeps in full swing, the Daigle Creative team delivered our Valentines-inspired sweeps kits to the stations this morning. We included a variety of treats along with our expanded source

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Daniel CEO Discusses MLK’s Legacy for Children

Daniel CEO Discusses MLK’s Legacy for Children

It’s all too easy for children to view Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as just an extra day off from school. Our public relations team arranged for Jim Clark, a licensed clinical social worker and president and CEO of Daniel, to discuss the importance of celebrating the

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Winter Sweeps Meltdown Kits Hit Local News Stations

Winter Sweeps Meltdown Kits Hit Local News Stations

The Daigle Creative public relations team strikes again! Our friends working in broadcast television work hard all year round, but sweeps periods are especially taxing. They come four times per year and always manage to take a toll as reporters and producers alike work to come out on top

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JU Orthodontists Discuss Halloween Candy for Kids with Braces

JU Orthodontists Discuss Halloween Candy for Kids with Braces

Halloween candy is the highlight of the holiday for most, but children with braces face a unique challenge when scouring the spoils of their trick-or-treating. October’s National Orthodontics Month served as the perfect time for Daigle Creative client Jacksonville University School of Orthodontics to help parents identify

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